Monday 19 December 2011

Futuristic Design Concepts

10 years ago, people didn’t really expect the 1.4mb 3.5 inch floppy to evolve into flash drives 10x smaller with storage capacity as big as 32gb. With the advancement of technology, it’s just going to get more and more high-end and all the size, is just going to get smaller and slimmer.

Therefore, industries depend on design concepts to realize ideas for new products in a creative process leading the path to true innovation. Industrial concept designers create practical designs that accommodate present day and include the technology of tomorrow.

Concept designers are also referred to as “visual futurists”. These concept designs may not be on the market yet, but they can still inspire you to create something just as futuristic and exciting online. The designs may be impractical in some cases, but the idea is to put the concept out to the world to see how it evolves and grows.

Futuristic Glass

This concept by Mac Funamizu of Japan would act as a scanner, a digital camera, and an internet-connected wireless device all in one package.

U.S.S. Enterprise Inspired Nissan Terranaut

Designed for “scientists, geologists, archaeologists or adventurers”, Nissan’s 4×4 Terranaut features a “spherical laboratory” that is accessed from a 360 degree swiveling seat. Unfortunately, all these workstations leave room for only one passenger side door.

Helix Hotel for Zayed Bay, Abu Dhabi

The Helix Hotel is the winning design in a competition for a five-star luxury hotel in the Zayed Bay of Abu Dhabi. Staggered asymmetrical forms give it its off-kilter appearance, and the hotel would partially float in the water adjacent to the Zaha Hadid-designed Sheik Zayed Bridge. Leeser Architecture gave the hotel 208 guest rooms and suites arranged around a helical floor, doing away with closed-off halls and opening each guest room to a large atrium.



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