Tuesday 6 December 2011


Reworking Eisenman,"Post functionalism does not mean that a building should not function; rather the form should not necessarily represent that function". So may be if we look at this topic, we might be able to see beyond the linier relationship (following one another)of form and function.

Form follows function is a principle associated with modern architecture and industrial design in the 20th century. The principle is that the shape of a building or object should be primarily based upon its intended function or purpose.

Louis Sullivan's phrase "form (ever) follows function" became a battle-cry of Modernist architects after the 1930s. However, Sullivan himself neither thought nor designed along such dogmatic lines during the peak of his career.

Form and Function in design often applied to architecture, engineering, and industrial design, the statement form follows function applies to graphic design and desktop publishing too. For designers, form is the elements that make up our designs, our pages. Function is the objective of the design whether it is a sign giving directions or a book that entertains with a story.

Form and Function Working Together

Function needs form in order to accomplish its goal. Form without function is just a pretty piece of paper.

Function is deciding that a poster plastered around town would be the best way to inform the general public about a band's upcoming club performance. Function is specifying how much the band can spend on that poster. Form is choosing the size, colors, fonts, and images based on the function and arranging the text and graphics so that the poster attracts attention and looks good.

To practice the rule of form follows function, start the design process by first getting as much information as possible about the purpose of the piece you are creating. Once you know the function of the piece and the practical parameters and limitations for putting the job together, you get to put it into a form that supports the function using your knowledge of the principles of design, the rules of desktop publishing and graphic design, and your creative vision.


  • http://janmichl.com/eng.fff-hai.html
  • http://desktoppub.about.com/od/graphicdesign/a/formfunction.htm
  • http://archnet.org/forum/view.jsp?message_id=4565
  • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Form_follows_function

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